Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Decisions, decisions: Why are they so hard to make???

It's been rather frustrating this last few weeks. It seems that every decision I make (after hesitating and hesitating) is questionned. Kind of like God (or maybe the devil?) going: "Are you SURE this is the right path?" And it's so annoying! Want a few examples? I agonized over coming back to Switzerland for the summer next year or staying in Canada. I finally opted for staying in Canada. And now, my manager tells me she would probably hire me back for the summer in 2007. ARG!!!
Another decision? It's not exactly a vital decision to make, but "Where to spend New Year?". I hesitate and make lists, etc. I finally decide to stay in Victoria. What happens? My aunt who lives in Vancouver is going up to Campbell River (where two of my other aunts live) for New Year and invites me to come along.
So, any advice on "how to make good decision" will be very much appreciated. Maybe that'll be my New Year resolution. Make the decision to make good decisions. How ironic!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Hey! Have a great Christmas and I hope your flight over goes well. See you in Victoria!