Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything on here. I guess I don't have as many crazy things happening to me... Although, I must say orienting myself (even when I know where I'm going and how to get there) is not always my forte. Last Friday, I was going to physio and just thinking and not paying attention to where I was going. Suddenly, I stopped and looked around me and thought "What AM I doing here????" I was on my way to work. So, I turned around and went back on the path to physio and again started not paying attention. All of a sudden, I realize I'm not going to physio (again!) but down to the train station!!! I had to turn around once more... ya. I don't know what I was thinking...
I need to ask Gillian how she does her cool countdown thingy. In a month and a day, I will be flying away back to all of you. 8 months seemed like such a long time in April, but now I realize that a lot of things I wanted to do or people I wanted to see, I haven't spent time with. And it's really frustrating. What's also quite hard is that my church is starting a youth church called icf-unlimited for teens from 15-20 and if I wasn't going back to Victoria, they would have asked me to be one of the leaders. They're really on my heart... But I also know that I'm doing the right thing going back to uvic. We'll see what God has in mind! :)
elisabeth!! there's no way you're going back to BC without meeting up with me at least once. I say that. so when do you want to come over, or when can I come?
Yay... coming back to Victoria! I just got home last night late (and now I can't sleep - I think I've had like 5 hours over the last 40 hours) and there is SNOW in Vancouver!! Yay!
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