Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In Switzerland for the summer

So, at the end of April, I flew back home for a 4 months stay in Lausanne.
The first few weeks were a liiiitle bit weird (I hadn't been home in 16 months), with everything being familiar, but totally foreign.
I worked for my mom for a couple of weeks, and discovered how much alike we can be (a little bit scary, sometimes). One of my big jobs was organizing arrivals for the international directors (who gets picked up where and when). Out of the 20-25 people I picked up at the airport, I only forgot one person.... Not too bad, eh? Of course, I had to forget someone who didn't speak of word of French, English, German,... Only Russian and...Uzbek? I had many more adventures, of course, but I won't put them on the internet. Too embarrassing... :)
Right now, I have a 2 week break before starting to teach. Scary!! Can you imagine me teaching English to teenagers?? It'll be fun!... I hope.
Summer finally arrived a couple of days ago, and it's been really hot here. I won't complain about it though, when I heard that Victoria had a tiny 14C for itself 2-3 days ago... That's not summer temperatures!!!
Enough rambling...

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